Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Do You Remember?

Coming off of a weekend full of memorial tributes to 9/11 got me to thinking about our memory and the things we remember.  It struck me Sunday morning as the new 9/11 Memorial was being dedicated and the Memorial Service was being held that September 11 will always be a day of remembrance.  And it should be.  But something else that struck me was when President Obama was reading from Psalm 46.  I was glad he was reading it, but I couldn't help but wonder how many other days a year he reads from the Bible.  While that particular scripture was very fitting and very appropriate for the activities of the day on Sunday, aren't other scriptures just as appropriate and applicable the other 364 days of the year? 

It's easy for us to turn to God when we need comfort in our healing.  We remember to cry to Him when we need rest from our pain and when we need peace in our sadness.  It's easy for us to remember that He died for us and rose again on Easter Sunday.  It's easy to remember that Jesus was born as a mortal man into a sinful world on Christmas.  It's easy to remember to be thankful for all of our blessings on Thanksgiving.  But what do we remember the rest of the year? 

Do we only reach for our Bibles when we need a certain passage for a special occasion?  Do we run to Psalm 23 only when someone is near death?  Do we recite John 3:16 only when we're doubting our salvation?  If so, we're missing out on all of the guidance and promises that God offers for each and every day.  Do we only pray when we're in dire need of something?  If we do we're missing out on a personal relationship with God and are neglecting ourselves the pleasure and joy that comes from truly knowing Him.  Do we fail to remember the sacrifices He made on our behalf?  If we do we're taking our salvation for granted. 

I'm grateful that scripture reading and prayer were a part of the 9/11 ceremonies.  This country needs prayer and needs to hear the Word of God now more than ever before.  But what about the rest of the year?  Did you pray for the families of the victims in a special church service on Sunday, but forgot to make time for God yesterday?  Do you offer up a prayer of Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November but are too busy rushing to all the Christmas sales or watching football games the day after to make time for God?  Do you read the Christmas Story from Luke every year because it's family tradition, but by the New Year your Bible - like alot of your Christmas presents - is already gathering dust?  Do you remember God on special occasions but forget Him the rest of the time?

Some prayer and some time in the Word is better than nothing, but daily prayer and daily time in the Word is life changing.

"Give us day by day our daily bread."  ~ Luke 11:3

"Pray without ceasing."  ~ I Thessalonians 5:17

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