Friday, August 3, 2012


My daughter leaves for college in two weeks.  When she first started looking at where she might want to apply, I worried somewhat about how it would all be paid for, where she would want to go, who her roommate would be, and on and on.  Typical worries, I figured, for a mom with a child about to leave the nest for the first time.  She started exploring schools online and picked out her top two to visit.  We visited each and she made her decision.  Then I really started to worry.

Don't misunderstand me, I was THRILLED with her choice.  Still am.  I just had to come to realize that my worry was in vain.  She chose LaGrange College, a small private Christian college 170 miles away from home.  Being the oldest private college in the state, she fell in love with the beautiful historic campus.  She loved the size of the school and the small student body.  Her incoming Freshman Class will be less than half the size of her graduating class.  She loved that the average student/teacher ratio in the classroom is 11/1 and that more often than not classes are round table discussions, not lecture seminars.  She loved their music and theater program.  She loved the opportunities for travel and missions.  She loved their devotion to community service.  She loved the chapel services and Bible studies on campus. She loved everything about it.  And Mama loved that she wanted to go to a Christian school and that we have family and friends in LaGrange who can be there for her if she needs them!

So when she decided this was where she wanted to go, we got busy with the application process.  I knew the school was expensive.  Most private colleges are.  But I didn't realize exactly HOW expensive.  We could build a very nice house with what it will cost her over the next four years!!  To say that I had sticker shock would be putting it mildly.  But I knew I had to find a way.  My beautiful daughter was wanting, begging, to go to a Christian college.  How could I ever tell her no?  It was at this point, very early on, that I just said, "Okay, God.  This is where she wants to go.  If this is where she is supposed to be, You have got to make it happen because there is NO WAY that I can do this on my own."  And with that simple prayer, the provisions began.

When the admissions office called to tell us she had been accepted and that she had qualified for an academic scholarship, we were thrilled.  The scholarship was a substantial amount, but it wasn't nearly enough.  And so we fumbled  our way through the Financial Aid process.  What a nightmare that was!  So many forms, so many applications, back and forth between the school and the government.  I will say that it was probably only a nightmare because we were completely oblivious to the process.  The Financial Aid Office at LaGrange was more than helpful anytime we needed them and assisted us tremendously with deciphering the whole hullabaloo.

With every application, every hope of more financial aid, there was an answer.  And the answer always came back yes.  Even more grants and scholarships were awarded to her from the college. After her final high school transcript was submitted, she became eligible for our state's HOPE scholarship, and Tuition Equalization Grant. It was like everywhere we turned, God was providing.  At one point we thought we had a figure in our head that she was going to owe (turns out we were off, way off, but we didn't know it at that time.)  We had calculated and estimated and thought she needed "X" amount.  After our church honored her with a Graduation supper and gifts, she came home and counted all of the monetary gifts she had received for graduation up to that point.  She had received that exact amount.  God was providing.

But then the amount changed.  We went to Orientation, she registered for classes, and the amount we had figured in our head increased even more.  Quite a bit more.  But so did God.  We just received word this week that she was "selected randomly through a lottery drawing" for participation in one last financial aid opportunity.  We know that there was nothing "random" about that selection.  God was providing.  She was approved and the amount she will receive is not just enough - it is MORE THAN ENOUGH to pay off her remaining balance AND cover her books and any other fees she may have.  She actually has a credit balance on her account!!  Can I get an AMEN!?!?

Throughout this entire financial process, God was at work in another way as well.  When a friend from church heard where Emilee was going to college, she told us that there was a girl in her home church a few hours away, that was also going to LaGrange.  When she told us who she was, we realized that we knew her family!  She offered to call Carmen and tell her about Emilee and maybe they could at least meet beforehand and know someone when they arrived on campus.  Emilee was disappointed when at first Carmen wasn't going to be at the same Orientation session, because she was looking forward to meeting her.  Then just a few days before, their plans changed and she was able to be at the same session as Emilee.  I now know that whatever those plans were, God changed them so that the girls could spend time together.  They went into Orientation not knowing each other. They came out as fast friends and before leaving campus had signed up to be roommates. We all met up for a shopping trip this week, and the more time the girls spend together, the more they realize how similar they are and the closer and closer they become.  Again, God has provided.  

A few months ago when Emilee told me that she wanted to go to LaGrange, I had worries.  Many of them.  But I knew that I had to find a way for her to go and I knew that I couldn't do it alone.  I gave it to God, trusting that He would make it happen if it was supposed to happen.  Yes, I had faith...but I don't think I would have ever believed you if you had told me then that she would be here today, 2 weeks away from starting college, with a dear sweet friend for a roommate and a credit balance on her account.

God has provided.  And then some.   

"Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.  Amen."  ~ Ephesians 3:20,21  (emphasis my own)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Turn On the Light!

Sometimes its easier to be in the dark.  Without turning the overhead lights on in the house, we can save electricity, keep the room(s) cooler, or set a mood.  I grew up in a home where the room in which we gathered as a family, the den, was very dark.  Granted it was the 70's, so the dark paneling on the walls and the green shag carpet on the floor were very en vogue.  The problem was, the large picture window that had originally been in the room, providing the only source of natural light, had been replaced years before by a ginormous brick fireplace.  And yes, the brick was dark, too.  It was like a big dark cave in that room.

Please don't get me wrong.  I loved this room.  My parents have since remodeled, opening up the space by tearing down walls and letting in lots more light.  But something about that dark room stuck with me.  Ever since first leaving home 20+ years ago, I've always had to have light.  Lots and lots of light in my living space.  From light wood tones on my cabinets and floors to light colored furniture and bedding and paint on the walls.  I also have a bad habit of turning on and leaving on lights.  You know the old song, "Every light in the house is on?"  Yeah....that's me!  I want it light and bright all around me.  Blinds open, doors open, overhead lights on, lamps on...I love to light it up.

Until bedtime.  When it's time for bed I want it dark.  Don't give me a nightlight.  Don't leave the bathroom or closet light on and crack the door open for me.  I want it to be pitch black.  Total darkness.  If I need to get up during the night and find my way to the kitchen or bathroom, I'll turn on the lamp.  I won't, however, leave one on just in case I may need it.

When we are actively going about our day; when we are awake and alert and have the opportunity to influence or make a difference, we need the light on.  Okay, maybe not EVERY light has to be on like I like, but it would be awfully difficult to be productive during the day on our jobs and in our homes in total darkness.  Could you perform your daily duties in the dark?  Chances are, unless you're blind and have HAD to learn to adapt to life in total darkness, your answer is no.  It's hard to be productive in the dark.

Even God's word says so.  Ephesians 5:11 says that deeds done in darkness are fruitless.  Remember, in the very first chapter of Genesis, God created light.  The darkness was already there, but it wasn't profitable.  The world needed light to operate.  And He called the light, "good."  The darkness, not so much.  Light is necessary if we're going to live fruitfully.  And the Light of God in our lives is necessary if we're going to live the way God intended.  2 Samuel perhaps says it best.  "You Lord are my lamp.  The Lord turns my darkness into light."  Our lives without God are dark.  Unprofitable and unpurposeful.  But once we flip the switch and let the light in, we get a whole new view.

"Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going." (John 12:35)  "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin." (I John 1:7)

Turn on the Light!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Morning, Afternoon, Evening or Nighttime?

I am a morning person.  I never would have dreamed I'd turn out this way, but here I am.  41 years old and I love to get up early in the morning!  I guess there is something about getting older that changes you.  The thing is, I'm much more productive in the mornings.  I can get more done between 6 and 10 am than I can the rest of the day most days!  Once my foot...and then eventually my prosthetic foot...hits the floor and I have a couple of sips of coffee, it's ON!  If you want me to do something and be productive, see me in the morning.

I recently tried to have an in-depth, face-to-face, heart-to-heart conversation at nighttime.  It didn't work.  I couldn't do it.  I was so tired and weary, I couldn't put two thoughts together!  All I could think about was putting on my PJ's, grabbing my Kindle & crawling under the covers.  But the next morning, I was good to go.  I could concentrate, I was focused, and I was able to communicate very efficiently exactly what I needed to say.  And then some.  :-)

Are you a morning person like me or are you more of a night owl?  One thing I know...God is both!  He is available nighttime, morning time, daytime, ALL THE TIME!  And I'm so grateful, because there are times when I wake up in the middle of the night (more often than not, really.  I think this, too, has something to do with getting older!)...and I'm so glad He's available at 3am.  And He's available when I start my mornings at 6am, and He's available throughout the day, and before I go to bed (I wont' tell you how early that is!!).  He's available for the morning person and the night owl.  He's available in the afternoons and in the evening.  He's on call 24/7, 365 days a year.  All we have to do is look for Him.    

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Goodbye Virus

I spent the better part of yesterday morning cleaning up a virus on my computer.  The stinking little booger had slowed things down greatly, rendered some programs inoperable, and denied access to certain areas.  It left me frustrated, aggravated & at its mercy.  Until it was gone, I couldn't do any of the things I wanted & needed to do on my pc.

Eventually, after over an hour of researching and downloading, I was finally able to find the virus removal software i needed and I set it in motion.  It started scanning.  And scanning.  And scanning.  After a while, I finally left to go do something else.  When I came back, it was still scanning.  And scanning.  I repeated this process...leaving and coming back to check...several times before FINALLY it had finished scanning my entire computer and had found the items that needed to be removed.  So then I started that process.  It began removing and removing and removing, so I left and came back again.  And again.  And again...until was all gone.  The entire process was nearly 4 hours.  But as soon as it was finished, things improved greatly.  The computer was working faster and more efficiently, and I was finally able to get things done.  The yuckiness was gone and life was good again.  It was as if the virus had never been there at all.

If you know me, you know that patience is NOT a virtue of mine.  (And I don't dare pray for any!!) That being so, I'm so glad that we don't have to wait for God's forgiveness when we mess up like I had to wait for that computer virus to be removed.  What if we had to keep checking back to see if He had decided to forgive us yet.  Back and forth we'd go.  "Are you done yet, God?  Have you decided to forgive me?"  How grateful I am that His forgiveness is instant, and always available.  All we have to do is ask for it.  And once we've received it, the yuckiness is gone & life is good again.  As if it had never been there at all.  

Psalm 103:12 tells us that God has removed our sins from us as far as the east is from the west.  They are with us no more.  They can't slow us down or render us inoperable.  He has removed them.  They are gone. Just as if they'd never been there at all.

Monday, July 23, 2012

He Says It Best When You Say Nothing At All

Just shut up and listen.

The concept seems so simple, doesn't it?  But is it?  How often do you shut up and listen....REALLY what God is saying to you?  It's more difficult than it may seem.  I've been practicing it a lot more lately and am happy to say that it does get easier, but still can be quite challenging at times.

Our thoughts and minds are so crowded.  So muddled with so much information and so many questions.  Just sitting still and trying to be quiet and not think of anything can be quite the task.  "Did I turn off the iron?"  "What am I going to cook for supper?"  "Did I remember to mail car payment?"  "I wonder what she meant by that?"  "I need to add sugar to the grocery list."  "Now where did I put that coupon?"  "I've got to remember to call Susan and ask about her mom,"....

The thoughts go on and on and on.  Shutting our brains off - even for a few minutes - isn't easy. But it can be done and is so worth it.  Scripture tells us over and over again to LISTEN.  Here are just a few examples:

Proverbs 1:33, "...but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm."
Proverbs 7:24, "Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say."
Proverbs 8:34, "Blessed are those who listen to me,.."

We may be quick to praise God for His blessings or to ask for what we need but how often do we take the time to simply listen to His answers or His instructions.  Try to find some time each day to do so.  You may be surprised by what He has to say!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Boo Boos Continued...

To see the results of the paint disasters turned prettiness ... aka Boo Boos to Blessings...check out my new blog here:  I'll still be leaving devotional/inspirational type posts here as God sends them to me.  The new blog will show the results of this "Sweet Spot" I'm living in! I hope that you will enjoy both sites!

From Boo Boos to Blessings

I was so excited to get started on several projects yesterday.  I had gotten so much inspiration the day before and had so many ideas I just couldn't wait to jump in.  But as with what usually happens when you jump first and look second, I made a boo boo.  Trying to be thrifty and not waste anything, I had picked up an old can of black paint from projects past to use again.  Not taking the time to read the label, I shook the paint, pried the rusty lid open with my straight-head screwdriver and poured it into my paint mix.  As soon as I started stirring, I realized what I had.  It wasn't the lovely smooth, milky, creamy latex paint that I was wanting (and needing) for my project.  Oh no.  It was oil based.  Sticky, gluey, slimy, messy oil based.  SHOOT!  And I had already poured it into my paint mixture, so it wasn't like I could just pour it back into the can for a day when I actually wanted to use the slimy mess.  "Oh well," I thought.  "Now what?"  "Lord, what am I going to do with this mess?"  It wasn't long before I remembered.  I had another idea for a project in the back of my mind.  It would stay outdoors, so the oil-base might not be a bad thing.  I got to work.  I prepped Plan B and started painting it with the oil based nightmare.  Immediately I was happy with the results.  Thrilled, actually.  The Boo Boo Paint was perfect for this piece.  I hadn't thought of painting it black, but was tickled over the way it turned out.  And I had mixed just enough paint for that piece.  I mean JUST ENOUGH.  It was like I had chosen the paint and mixed it for that project to start with!

Later in the day I was opening more paint (LATEX this time - I read the label first!), but wasn't happy with the darkness of the color.  Thinking I would lighten it up a little, I pulled out a small can of unopened white to use as a lightener.  Because the can was full, the paint poured out faster than I expected.  I panicked and jerked the can upright, causing even more paint to slosh out the backside and into the mix.  I had almost doubled the amount of white I had intended to use.  I just knew it was going to turn out too light.  As I started stirring, a new color started forming.  No, it wasn't the color I had intended.  It was much lighter, much softer...and absolutely GORGEOUS!  I had wanted a medium green.  What I ended up with was a turquoisey blue-green that was just divine!  But what was I going to do with it?  Turns out I did lots with it.  Emilee even cashed in on my mistake and painted some picture frames with it.  I used it for several projects, but the best part was that it went perfectly with my prior Boo Boo episode.  Remember the black?  YEP, turns out that turquoisey blue-green and black look really good together!  I added it to the black on that Plan B project and ended up with one of my favorites of the day!  Stay tuned for pics. Not bad for Boo Boos!!

I saw this on a friend's Facebook wall today, "Thought for the Day: “When you look around, if you see problems that are holding you back and frustrating you - change the way you see things – try to see opportunities to overcome your challenges and move forward victoriously towards the future that God has in store for you.” I hope you have a marvelous day today my friends! – Elmer Laydon The Whisper of God

Don't let your problems and BooBoos hold you back or slow you down.  Find an opportunity to use them for good.  The results will be amazing!!

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."  ~ Romans 8:28