Don't misunderstand me, I was THRILLED with her choice. Still am. I just had to come to realize that my worry was in vain. She chose LaGrange College, a small private Christian college 170 miles away from home. Being the oldest private college in the state, she fell in love with the beautiful historic campus. She loved the size of the school and the small student body. Her incoming Freshman Class will be less than half the size of her graduating class. She loved that the average student/teacher ratio in the classroom is 11/1 and that more often than not classes are round table discussions, not lecture seminars. She loved their music and theater program. She loved the opportunities for travel and missions. She loved their devotion to community service. She loved the chapel services and Bible studies on campus. She loved everything about it. And Mama loved that she wanted to go to a Christian school and that we have family and friends in LaGrange who can be there for her if she needs them!
So when she decided this was where she wanted to go, we got busy with the application process. I knew the school was expensive. Most private colleges are. But I didn't realize exactly HOW expensive. We could build a very nice house with what it will cost her over the next four years!! To say that I had sticker shock would be putting it mildly. But I knew I had to find a way. My beautiful daughter was wanting, begging, to go to a Christian college. How could I ever tell her no? It was at this point, very early on, that I just said, "Okay, God. This is where she wants to go. If this is where she is supposed to be, You have got to make it happen because there is NO WAY that I can do this on my own." And with that simple prayer, the provisions began.
When the admissions office called to tell us she had been accepted and that she had qualified for an academic scholarship, we were thrilled. The scholarship was a substantial amount, but it wasn't nearly enough. And so we fumbled our way through the Financial Aid process. What a nightmare that was! So many forms, so many applications, back and forth between the school and the government. I will say that it was probably only a nightmare because we were completely oblivious to the process. The Financial Aid Office at LaGrange was more than helpful anytime we needed them and assisted us tremendously with deciphering the whole hullabaloo.
With every application, every hope of more financial aid, there was an answer. And the answer always came back yes. Even more grants and scholarships were awarded to her from the college. After her final high school transcript was submitted, she became eligible for our state's HOPE scholarship, and Tuition Equalization Grant. It was like everywhere we turned, God was providing. At one point we thought we had a figure in our head that she was going to owe (turns out we were off, way off, but we didn't know it at that time.) We had calculated and estimated and thought she needed "X" amount. After our church honored her with a Graduation supper and gifts, she came home and counted all of the monetary gifts she had received for graduation up to that point. She had received that exact amount. God was providing.
But then the amount changed. We went to Orientation, she registered for classes, and the amount we had figured in our head increased even more. Quite a bit more. But so did God. We just received word this week that she was "selected randomly through a lottery drawing" for participation in one last financial aid opportunity. We know that there was nothing "random" about that selection. God was providing. She was approved and the amount she will receive is not just enough - it is MORE THAN ENOUGH to pay off her remaining balance AND cover her books and any other fees she may have. She actually has a credit balance on her account!! Can I get an AMEN!?!?
Throughout this entire financial process, God was at work in another way as well. When a friend from church heard where Emilee was going to college, she told us that there was a girl in her home church a few hours away, that was also going to LaGrange. When she told us who she was, we realized that we knew her family! She offered to call Carmen and tell her about Emilee and maybe they could at least meet beforehand and know someone when they arrived on campus. Emilee was disappointed when at first Carmen wasn't going to be at the same Orientation session, because she was looking forward to meeting her. Then just a few days before, their plans changed and she was able to be at the same session as Emilee. I now know that whatever those plans were, God changed them so that the girls could spend time together. They went into Orientation not knowing each other. They came out as fast friends and before leaving campus had signed up to be roommates. We all met up for a shopping trip this week, and the more time the girls spend together, the more they realize how similar they are and the closer and closer they become. Again, God has provided.
A few months ago when Emilee told me that she wanted to go to LaGrange, I had worries. Many of them. But I knew that I had to find a way for her to go and I knew that I couldn't do it alone. I gave it to God, trusting that He would make it happen if it was supposed to happen. Yes, I had faith...but I don't think I would have ever believed you if you had told me then that she would be here today, 2 weeks away from starting college, with a dear sweet friend for a roommate and a credit balance on her account.
God has provided. And then some.
"Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." ~ Ephesians 3:20,21 (emphasis my own)