It's no secret that I didn't inherit the incredibly green thumb of my grandmother. Her yard was always immaculate and there wasn't a plant, flower or tree in the world that she couldn't make grow. She had an incredible talent for caring for them. She would groom and prune and care for each and everyone as if they were precious commodities. And to her they were. She loved all things green and growing and loved to be surrounded by their beauty. Okay, maybe I did inherit that part. I do love to be surrounded by greenery and flowers, I just don't have the knack for caring for them that my grandmother had.
One of my favorite places in the world is my own back porch, and I love to decorate it with different flowers and plants. I love to change them out as the seasons change and try to keep something blooming most of the time. It's not always easy to maintain and I often fail though, because my back porch has a roof on it so everything is shaded. Well, some of my plants require time in the sun in order to grow and bloom, so I have to move them back and forth. And while some plants may only need watering once a week, others need a daily dousing in order to survive. During the past few weeks when its been so awfully hot and humid, even a daily drink wasn't enough for some and by the next day they would be starting to dry out and wilt. The leaves would be folding inward and the stems would start to drag the ground. It wouldn't be long after another watering, though, that the leaves would be opened back up and the stems would start to rise upward again.
Aren't we like those plants? Can you go a week or more without nourishment or do you need a daily dousing? I know I can't go several days without an encouraging word from scriptures or a personal visit with God. If I do, I begin to turn brown and wilt and dry up just like the plants. We need to be watered daily in order to survive and we need time in the Son in order to blossom. And the more we fulfill those needs on a daily basis, the more we thrive and grow spiritually.
So keep your watering can nearby. Douse yourself daily with inspiration and scripture. Make time to spend in the Son. It is only then that you will begin to put on new growth and flourish like you were created to do.
You are a very talented writer, friend! I enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks for encouraging me spiritually and helping me out so much during my drought. I think because of you....I see some new green growth!