It's Monday morning...again!! School has been back in session for a week now and my kids weren't nearly as excited about getting up today as they were last Monday. They're wanting to sleep in and drag around while getting ready today. After just one week of school, it's become a routine Monday morning already.
Mondays are notorious for being rough days, but we should be grateful for them just as we should every other day of the week. Sure, it's easy to rejoice and praise God on a Sunday. It's also easy to do on days when everything is going our way. It's easy to be thankful for the days that are special days or holidays, or days that we're on vacation. But on a Monday morning? That's often more difficult. Yet that's exactly what we are supposed to do.
What's there to rejoice about on a Monday morning you ask? The first thing we should be grateful for is that we're alive to see Monday morning. We're not promised tomorrow, so if you're waking up to face a Monday morning, you have something to be grateful for already. And the list goes on from there. We should be grateful for our family and friends, our health, our job. Wait, did I just say job? YES, I said job. Even though its the arch nemesis on Monday mornings when we'd rather stay curled up in our beds, if you have a grateful for it! Be grateful that you have air conditioning in these dog days of summer that we're experiencing. Be grateful for the roof over your head and the shoes on your feet. And my favorite thing early in the morning....I'm grateful for coffee!
But foremost in our minds and hearts should be our salvation. As a Christian, I'm grateful for that blessed assurance that Jesus is mine! If we wake up with an attitude of gratefulness and start our day off with a cheerful heart, even Monday mornings can become something to look forward to. Instead of a time filled with dread and woe, we can turn it into a time of praise and rejoicing. We can make our attitude one of gratitude and in turn change our entire perspective on the day. Psalm 118:24 tells us, "This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." And yes, "This day" even includes Mondays!
well said Monica!!