Who do you know? Really know? Your spouse/significant other. Your friends. Your family members. Your co-workers. Think about it...how many people do you truly know? And how did you get to know them?
If you're married or in a relationship, you got to know your significant other by spending time with them. You talked, you courted, you dated. You spent time together. The same is true with your friends and family. You've spent time together. You make plans to do things and go places together. You make time for each other. And if you're blessed to be friends with your co-workers, its likely because you spend so much time with them every day. The only way to really get to know someone is to spend time with them. Talk to them. Listen to them. Share yourself with them. Celebrate with them. Cry with them. Mourn with them. Tell them your burdens and help them to carry theirs. Regularly. Consistently. Unwavering. Unconditionally.
That's the only way to get to know God, too. It has to be a consistent, unwavering effort on our part to carve out one-on-one time to spend with Him every day. Not just when we're in crisis and need something. How would your friends feel if they only heard from you when you wanted something? How would your relationship with your spouse/significant other be affected if you woke up in the morning and decided you just didn't have time for them that day...and you told them you'd get to them later when it was more convenient? Chances are you wouldn't have those friends or that spouse for very long.
Relationships take work. They require communication. They require sacrifices. They require one-on-one time and unwavering, unconditional dedication. And just like this is true of our earthly relationships, its also true if we're ever going to have a real relationship with, and truly come to know God. Day after day after day we must not only make time for Him, but we must make making time with Him a top priority. By putting our personal, one-on-one time with God above all else, all of our other relationships will flourish and be blessed as well.
And the great thing about spending time with God is that we don't have to get our calendars out and plan and schedule time together like we have to do with our family and friends. We don't have to plan a date night like we may have to do with our spouse....or a vacation with our family...or a cookout with our friends. We don't have to check our calendars and arrange our schedules so that they agree. We just have to decide to show up....He is always there.
So ask yourself who you know. Then ask yourself how you got to know them, and what are you willing to do to keep knowing them. Then ask yourself if you know God...and what you're willing to do to obtain or to keep a relationship with Him.
"So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God." ~ Romans 5:11 (New Living Translation)
“Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.” ~ Luke 12:21 (New Living Translation)
Thanks again Monica! Words to live by!