Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Power of Friendship

I seem to write a lot about friends.  Having friends.  Being a friend.  Important friendships.  It never ceases to amaze me the difference a friend can make in one's life.  And it seems they tend to show up just when we need them most, even though they may never realize it. 

I've been reminded lately that friendships are so vital to our lives.  I saw someone on Facebook recently post a quote that read, "I asked God to protect me from my enemies and I started losing friends."  How sad, but how true, that statement is.  And just yesterday I heard Joyce Meyer say that she started losing friends when she decided to enter the ministry.  Time and time again she found herself crying out to God, but as she went along and as her ministry grew she realized that having God and being in His will was better than having 1,000 mean-spirited, hypocritical people in her life that called themselves "friend." 

So when you have friends in your life - true genuine friends - treasure them.  Cherish them.  Thank God for them.  And do whatever it takes to maintain and nurture those friendships.  They are vital to our existence. 

This is what I've discovered the past few days about friendships:

A true friend is a forever friend.  I had the opportunity to spend Sunday with two friends that I made when I was 6 years old and they moved in next door to us.  And just like with my closest friends from high school, we instantly picked up right where we left off the last time we were together...even though it is sometimes months, or even years, between visits.  Never discount old friends...especially childhood friends.  They know where you've come from because they've come from the same place, and they can often relate to you much better than friends made later in life.  Those that have loved you the longest often love you the most.   

It's important to share yourself.  You may be going through something in your life and have no idea that your situation can impact someone else.  Just the willingness to share yourself, your thoughts, your ideas, can mean the world to a friend.  So be willing to open up a bit.  You never know who might need to hear what you have to say.  And if you read or hear something and you think, "Peggy might like to hear this," share it with Peggy.  Because if you're a Christian, that's most likely the Holy Spirit giving you that idea...and it's exactly what Peggy needs to hear.

Ask for help.  If you're dealing with a difficult situation in your life, tell a friend.  Get things off of your chest.  Maybe even get some feedback.  But most importantly, ask your friend to pray for you.  The power of prayer is life changing.  And while you may not want your situation shared with everyone, you should always have at least one or two close friends with whom you can share your struggles, ask for their help, and trust them to pray you through it.

Make time for others.  You have no idea how much a simple quick, unexpected visit in the middle of the afternoon can affect someone's day.  Just stopping in to tell someone you love them and you're thinking of them and praying for them can make all the difference in the world for that person.  It did for me just yesterday. 

Share what you have.  No matter what it is, there's someone that you know that would appreciate your sharing what you have with them.  Whether your chicken is laying more eggs than you can eat or you've cooked too much food and have lots of leftovers....Share what you have.  Both you and the recipient will be blessed. 

Pay it forward.  Whenever you find yourself the recipient of a blessing, make a decision to be a blessing to someone else.  In whatever way...small or large...find a way to pay it forward.

A simple text message, email or FB post can go a long way.  Just taking time to quickly say, "I'm thinking of you."  or "I miss you." or "I love you."  can make a huge difference in someone's life.  And with the modern technologies of today, it takes almost no time to do.  You never know how lonely a person may be feeling and just a quick, simple message can make a world of difference.

Make plans.   It's so important to nurture our friendships, and one of the best ways to do this is to spend time together.  So make plans.  If a friend is a few hours away, meet half way one day.  Make reservations and meet up with friends for a mini vacation.  Take off to a land far far away.  Meet a friend for lunch.  Go shopping.  Go golfing.  Go walking.  Just GO!

Be grateful.  If you have true friends in your life, be grateful.  Appreciate them and tell them so.  Thank God for them.  Don't ever underestimate them or take them for granted.  Cherish them.  Treasure them.  Love them. 

"A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."  ~ Proverbs 18:24

1 comment:

  1. This just brought tears to my eyes! You are SUCH a beautiful writer and so insightful! Throughout my life I have realized that just having my 1 close friend is all you need, and in more recent years I have realized that the 1 friend that everyone needs is Jesus. Sometimes it's hard to truly realize it- but He is the 1 person that will never leave and never forsake me, and I love it! I've also started to realize as I get older that the people that care about me the most in this world are my family, and I just want to say "Thank You" for being in my life and always being there for me and my mom in some truly difficult situations. I just said a prayer thanking God for giving me 2 great things in you-- a WONDERFUL friend and one of the greatest family members that ANYONE could ask for. I love you so much Monica, and thank you for this post-- it just made my day. :-)
