Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Royalty in Waiting

With all the news and excitement about the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton, I've heard many newscasters question whether or not she's ready for her upcoming title - first as Princess and later, most likely, as Queen.  What sort of preparations must it take to become accustomed to a life of royalty?  Afterall, she'll be living in a palace, wearing gem filled crowns, inheriting royal does a "commoner," as she's been described, prepare for such a life?  It must take alot of work, right?  What about us?  How could commoners like ourselves ever begin to make plans for that type of lifestyle? 

The answer is simple...become a Christian.  The Bible tells us that Heaven will be our reward and that it will be filled with mansions and palaces.  We will be donned with robes and wear jewel encrusted crowns.  How fabulous is that?!  Just like the Royals!!  But wait, there's more.  In Heaven there'll be no sickness or death.  No sadness or heartache.  No scandal or scrutiny.  Only pure joy and happiness as we live eternally.  Not even Queen Elizabeth herself can promise that!!

Buckingham Palace and the life that awaits Kate Middleton may sound grand and glamorous...but Heaven will be so much greater.  More wonderful than we can even imagine.  And our preparation for life there is simple.... Ephesians 2:8,9 reads (KJV) "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast." 

 Kate Middleton may have alot of work to do to prepare herself for the life of royalty that awaits her, but her works won't get her to her eternal reward.  Only God's grace and her faith can provide that life.  

Question of the Day:  Have you made preparations for the eternal life of royalty that God has promised?  

1 comment:

  1. Monica, How true. I think of you often. Love you lots,

