Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That's What Friends Are For...

I am blessed to have a wonderful group of people in my life.  Some are family, some are colleagues.  Some are young, some are old.  Some I've known all my life, some only a short time.  But all of them are friends, and I can't imagine how I would get through life without them. 

I have friends from childhood, friends from high school, friends from adulthood.  I have friends I grew up with, skipped school with, and got into trouble with.  Friends I had sleepovers with, went to church with, graduated high school with, and friends I used to work with.   Friends who are family, friends who are neighbors, and friends who are part of my church family.  Friends who've entered my life because our children were/are friends.  They share my past, my present and will definitely be a part of my future.  They laugh with me and cry with me.  They challenge me and pray with me and forgive me when I'm wrong.  They listen to me when I need an ear, they get mad with me when things aren't going my way, and they rejoice with me when they are.  They visit, call, text, email, send messages via Facebook, send cards in the mail, meet me for lunch, invite me to dinner, and plan shopping trips, vacations, and weekends away.  

Can you imagine life without friends?  I can't - and certainly wouldn't want to!  They are my support system, my rock, my anchor, my lifeline.  They keep me sane and let me know that I'm not as crazy as I think sometimes.  They validate my feelings, accept my anger, wipe my tears, ease my pain, and celebrate my victories.  They are such a blessing in my life and I love each and every one of them!!

Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loveth at all times..." 

Question of the day:  Have you told your friends you appreciate them?  Are you a good friend? 


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