Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week of Thanksgiving

Today is Sunday, and thus begins the week of Thanksgiving.  With our busy lives, its common for us, when asked what we're thankful for, to quickly spout, "I'm thankful for my family and friends."  Or if you're a teenager you're likely to respond with thanksgiving for your ipod or your laptop or your car.  But what are we truly thankful for?  Sure its okay for teenagers to be grateful for their possessions - to an extent.  And its fantastic if we're thankful for our family and friends; as long as we're truly showing our appreciation to them.

Beginning today I invite you to come along with me and concentrate on one thing each day this week for which you are thankful - truly thankful, and show your appreciation.  Dig deeper than the surface responses and explore what you're most appreciative of.   And express sincere gratitude.

Today I'm grateful for my home.  It's not the largest or the nicest and it doesn't have a prestigious address - at least that's what society says.  However, I think it has the best address in the world.  It has the address that places it adjacent to my parents on the other side of the block.  It has the address that places it in the same neighborhood where I grew up - allowing me the privilege of raising my children next to where I was raised.  It has the address that surrounds us with family and friends.  And it has the address that places us ever so near to our beloved church and church family. 

My children and I have lived in this home for almost 9 years.  That's hard for me to believe - the years have really flown by.  But I rejoice in the fact that my children have had one home in which they've grown up.  At the ages of 16 and 13 today, this is the home where the vast majority of their childhood memories have been made.  Having grown up in a house that my parents moved into when I was  4 months old - and where they still live today - being able to give my children a home - one home - in which to grow up instead of moving around every few years was very important to me.  I realize that not everyone is able to do that and its not important for everyone to remain in one home.  But for me, that was a huge priority in my life and I'm so grateful that God has allowed it to come to pass. 

I bought a book a few years ago by author Robert Wolgemuth entitled, "The Most Important Place on Earth."  I had never heard of it and just happened across it at a Christian bookstore one day.  I highly recommend it - right up there with Max Lucado's "Cure for the Common Life:  Living in Your Sweetspot."  The most important place on earth is, of course, the home.  The subtitle to the book is, "What a Christian Home Looks Like and How to Build One,"  and that's exactly what the book is all about.  Realizing that your home is the most important place on earth for you, for your family, and for your children.  Some of the ideas are obvious and are things that most of us probably do without even thinking about it but there are also lots of suggestions that you may not have thought of - and they're all Biblical.  My intention isn't to provide a book review, but rather share with you how I work to make my home a Sweet Spot in my life, and more importantly in my children's lives, because it is the most important place on earth.

Our home is where we laugh together and cry together and pray together.  It's where we work together and play together.  It's where we celebrate and where we mourn.  It's where we express ourselves. My son has always had an artistic eye, so several years ago we turned one entire wall of his room into a dry erase board.  Several pieces of his artwork cover the other walls along with shelves of his favorite things.  My 16-year old daughter has a beautiful shabby chic flair to her room, complete with photos of Paris.  But most prominent in her room are the things she loves the most - her guitar and keyboard.  

I have a dear friend who recently told me that she likes to come to my house to see what I've hung on the wall. Okay, okay, I'll admit it.  My name is Monica and I am a hangaholic.  I love to hang something on the wall!!  I love surrounding myself with things I love and I find ways to display them - on the wall!!  My pastor is the complete opposite - he doesn't like anything on the walls.  I swear I see him twitch every time he comes into my home!!   If it sits still long enough and I have an empty spot on the wall, chances are it'll get hung at my house!!  The point is, my home reflects my personality and my children's personalities are evident in their rooms as well. 

Is your home a place where you love to be?  Does it reflect your personality?  Is it a place your family wants to be and invite friends to visit?  Mine is.  And its not because its the largest or the grandest or has a prestigious address.  But there's no other place in the world I'd rather be than at home - and I pray my children feel the same way.  Today I'm grateful for the beautiful home I share with my children and for the privilege that God has granted us to create this home over the past 9 years. 

Day 1 of Thanksgiving Week:  Is your home the most important place on earth in your life?

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